

    The senator seemed to be a very clever person. The Senator and Bishop are having a long discussion. The senator seems to hate Diderot because he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, a believer in god at bottom, and  more bigoted than Voltaire. The Bishop also seems to be talking about how when you don't have something you want it. For example, you might want the new video game even though you already have plenty of other games. Which can show since you don't have it you want it. Where as if you have bought it already you would want another new game to play.


    The Bishop seems like a calm and brave person. This is because he doesn't have any doors in his house, he doesn't have any locks, and he lets everyone enter his home. He also seems very wise with what he said. The bishop also believes if anyone is going to help him or save him is god himself. He trust god all of the time. Nobody would question the Bishop.


    I think It is trying to show what the bishop life was like. He would visit different areas that are rich and poor. He seems like a good person. I would've loved to meet him.


     The four strategies to love reading are to read books you love, seek to better understand the books you don't love, reconsidering how we define the word read, and develop expertise and the confidence that will enable you to find them yourself.      The first strategy you can do is to read books that you think you will get joy out of. You can determine if you'll enjoy the book by reading the first few pages or if its part of a series where you enjoyed the first book.     The second strategy is to try and dig deep into the author or the backstory of the book. You can do this by reading one of their previous book to maybe learn a bit more about the author, You can also, see some interviews or podcasts where the author talks about themselves.     Another strategy you can use is to try to reconsider the definition of read. I believe you can do this by trying to read more books and trying to enjoy them or spend time on revi...


    The house the Bishop lived in was pretty big or at least bigger then average. The penitents assessed themselves to raise money for a new alter. Mademoiselle Baptistines made a purchase of drawing-room furniture in yellow Utrecht velvet. Madame Magloire discovered beneath the paper that there were washed over paintings.

Pages From my Journal #2

October 6 I would meet people in school or near my neighborhood post quarantine. Now I don't really give myself too much time to talk to new people. I haven't really made much friends during quarantine apart from maybe 2-3 people. October 7 If the spider is small I would try to take it outside, but if its large I'm not going to hesitate and I'm going to try and smash it. It would depend on the size whether I'd take it outside or smash it. October 8 When I'm gone people might say that I was an interesting or a one of a kind figure. At least that what I think people that are close to me think. They might also think I'm a chill person. October 9 People who are important for me are my parents. This because the have done so much for me that I can't thank them enough or repay them no matter how I hard I try. Something that I think they find important is me and my two younger brothers.

Literal Analysis

      1) The book I am currently reading is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. It is about this kid named Harry who discovers he was a wizard since birth. He then attends the wizarding school Hogwarts. He makes some friends along the way.     2) I believe the theme of the book is somewhat Identity and Growing Up since he realizes who he really is and is growing as in knowledge wise.     3) From the author's tone I would imagine that they sleep late since she puts in a lot of effort on her books which normally means they work on their book a lot, mostly in the night so that would lead to wake up late. I think this since the main character is sort of the same as what I portray her to be like. I would imagine she would drink coffee and meditate since it seems she doesn't write too much about hatred which could mean she meditates to release her stress. I would think she would get hungover from time to time due to her success. I would thin...